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tv   Headline News  RT  October 31, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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series successfully destroys all of its chemical weapons production facilities a day ahead of schedule but we're fools continue to surface about rebel fighters using toxic bomb and. my slick like a school for a tropical beach holiday so i assume there's nothing really bad about here fathers it's more like living how. they put a struggle forced into a tube into our noses in our cities the latest report from inside gone tunnel of a prison will look up the allegations of torture and abuse as officials try to convince the outside world that that in made certain to interest fine. morning was called. nine eleven to prevent nine eleven in the wake of nine eleven.
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twelve years after the tragedy american officials are told to keep using september eleventh as the justification for expanding surveillance at home and abroad. this is an aussie coming to live from moscow with me hugh national power thanks for joining us. all the facilities used in syria to produce chemical weapons have been destroyed a day ahead of china it's being seen as a major step under the russian american brokered deal to rid syria of its stockpiles of toxic arms by the middle of twenty fourteen point to see how. what we're hearing now from an official inside the organization for the prohibition of
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chemical weapons is that damascus has destroyed all equipment that is used for producing mixing and filling chemical weapons this comes a day ahead of the agreed november first deadline and it is a major achievement in an extremely tight and ambitious disarmament program the foreign inspectors who have been inside the country for several weeks now have visited twenty one of twenty three chemical weapons stockpile sites now the reason given as to why they could not go to two of those scientists because it was simply too dangerous there's been no commitment from the rebels fighting that they will ensure the safety of these inspectors but we have been told that these stockpiles at those two sites were moved to sites that the inspectors did in fact investigate the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons says it is extremely satisfied with the way this disarmament program has gone ahead and that all is on track for the final deadline which is the middle of next year by when syria would
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have destroyed all of its chemical weapons stockpiles we're receiving reports that earlier this week rebels carried out an attack in which they allegedly used chemical weapons in the north east of the country near the turkish border now it happened near a check post of kurdish defense forces and according to those forces immediately following the explosion of a shell there was a yellow smoke they also say that they are suffering from symptoms of chemical in hell ation and noisier now the russian foreign ministry is calling for an urgent investigation and says it is extremely worrying that this incident is not receiving why disparate coverage. the tough task of chemical design him and his disconsolate is a worlds apart oksana boyko talks to a renowned expert on chemical weapons and asks whether the ambitious goals in syria are achievable and here's a quick. but would like to use your a technical expertise and ask you this question how easy it is for non-state actors
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for rebel groups to produce those types of chemicals in an art is that the way the production of blistering nerve agents is actually not very difficult their recipes on the web site on the websites on the web. we know that in the. terrorist group in japan in the mid one nine hundred ninety s. they produced actually homemade kind of do it yourself serenading very similar to what's being used in syria to the. an american base human rights organization found that it calls what it calls systematic violations that go on top of a prison it's calling for the immediate closure of the facility even though washington and says everything base line all season is this a trick and i went to the infamous prison herself to see what it's really like and here is the latest in a series of reports. every morning at eight am the u.s.
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national anthem erupts across the beast that holds america's most scandalous prison no one likes to be spit on no one wants to have their own torture hunger strikes and suicides have marred this place since two thousand and two and they're human beings after all they're there's no reason to expect that they enjoy being here you know we pretend otherwise prisoners held indefinitely in the name of the never ending war on terror whether they're innocent or guilty is not our job right now we have the court system determined that in just over a decade a total of seven hundred seventy nine prisoners the majority released without charges today one hundred sixty four remain over half of them cleared for release but still kept locked up. on the other side of the barbed wire. life is a blast. furnace and water and it's nice there's nothing really bad about here just like any common american town now is awfully scared to come here but i mean
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it's absolutely beautiful place and you get around all the other stuff getting around the other stuff is not hard a lot of what goes on here is kept under a thick veil of denial and secrecy delta house is a hospital and library and this is also a place where patients are force fed and even though the hunger strike is largely and officially said to be over we know that at least fifteen people are continually being force fed here today a tube is passed down through a person's nostril and pushed all the way down to their stomach before it's passed down the nose we lubricate it in we give the patient a choice do they want to have the key which is agent. area or if they want to lubricate the tube. most of our patients have been using all of the will. in fact some of our patients are so. used to this they will describe which nostril they want this while major
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world medical bodies are in agreement that force feeding is not ethical and should not be practiced the force feeding them i've got my clients of experience to guantanamo they've certainly described the storage or the restraint chair that they're strapped into they actually call the torture chair an arabic force feeding takes up to forty five minutes and is performed twice a day the pieces of had the civilian world of it feel strange i've never heard this is going on. i have not heard that good move fishes are beyond nonchalant about the highly criticized practice you might feel differently from the way i might feel uncomfortable has been the most of it i have heard but they don't even believe in what this thing anymore because they know it sounds stupid i volunteer that the procedure be demonstrated on me request declined the prisoners who've not met one another and speak different languages keep saying the same thing that we were tortured used. tied. to the chair legs to the ground.
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strap across and they forced in a tube into our noses never in thirteen years have detainees been allowed to speak directly to a journalist while remaining at get most only leaking statements through lawyers they would love nothing more than to sit down with journalists and just tell them you know about their daily lives but communicating seems to only occur here if someone was it a point where maybe they had been verbalizing a lot of hopelessness we were immediately intervening and trying to assist that person to make sure that there wasn't any thoughts of maybe wanting to harm themselves or in their lives with charts like these often used to pinpoint patients despair you asked them how do you feel right now and they'll be able to point to it we have not had a patient in this area. thank you meanwhile six suicides and dozens of suicide attempts have taken place at the detention facility we haven't seen any autopsies the u.s. government hasn't released any formal reports or findings we're now inside two
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active camps at guantanamo camp five hold single cells where the so-called less compliant detainees are held camp number six is one filled with communal cells when officials deem the detainees behave better there will be warded by being allowed to live in groups while detainees are kept away from us what we witness are clean empty prison cells with cosy pajamas colgate toothpaste and maximum security shampoos paraded in front of journalists as proof everything is so much better here than any silly horror stories we all have heard. forty one ton of cuba poland has granted victim status to one gets mowed taney who was allegedly captured by the cia and abused polish have a tree and there are other similar accusations and she spoke to james connell the lawyer for among who is accused of aiding the nine eleven attacks and he says his client now suffers from major health problems after being tortured by the cia.
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immediately upon being transferred to guantanamo bay mr absolutely went to the medical staff and complained that he had suffered a head injury while in cia custody. nothing was done to follow up on that there's no investigation into someplace else told military commissions there's no investigation into the possibility of a federal civilian court there are still a significant number of people who are on hunger strike at guantanamo bay who are being force fed and sometimes hospitalized the most important question is the silencing of the defendants that they can't tell anyone whether that's the un special rapporteur on torture or members of congress and their staff who are investigating the issue they can't tell anyone about what happened to them in cia custody that's what we're challenging because if we can break the silence on that question there could be real movement on guantanamo bay. and we're trying to shed some light on what has actually going on inside to go on time out every week he has
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a new report from inside the infamous the sanctions and. snowden's revelations about the n.s.a. has seen that u.s. intelligence bosses go to great lengths to justify their activities officially they've been told to use nine eleven as their main argument according to documents and leaks in the media and some point titian's are happy to follow that advice what i want to tell you about is how did we get here nine eleven prior to nine eleven we had no way of connecting those dots what section two fifteen does is allow the government to connect the dots these dots should have and likely could have been connected to prevent nine eleven many of these reform proposals run the risk of recreating the type of cumbersome over lawyer pfizer regime that proved so inadequate in the wake of nine eleven one incident was called nine eleven that
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should never happen again. the attitude of the u.s. intelligence community indicates a reluctance to reform says americans or political analyst eric draitser. to intrust the scene bureaucrats like clapper and others who have been caught lying publicly on the record to congress and to other policymakers and officials about the nature of these programs about what the united states is doing about its very operations in the most public sense of the word and so we are to intrust these people with some kind of an internal review it is laughable it is just about as laughable as wall street banks regulating themselves. no details on the techniques used by the n.s.a. are being revealed a report in the washington post shows the agency has been harvesting huge amounts of data from google and yahoo by breaking into their communication links these leaks as catch from an international presentation shows how the n.s.a.
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intercepts google traffic by tapping into the company's data cables millions of records are collected in this way on a daily basis as part of a program code named muscular and the n.s.a. engineers enjoy what they're doing if the smiley face is anything to go by to get said clear idea what these doodles mean check out r t dot com. the n.s.a. tree of denies the agency is collecting data directly from yahoo and google and keith alexander also claimed allegations of washington spying on europeans are falls but his explanation wasn't enough for e.u. officials sense to washington to demand some answers and she is going to check and spoke to some of the missions members about what they actually actually. the e.u. delegation came to get answers from the n.s.a. and they got nothing keith alexander told members of the e.u. delegation that they were not spying on european citizens on
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a massive scale obviously there is no way of checking it up with some members of that he says this is sort of like trying to get some information. don't clarify. the situation. we are lies the mass of the violence can not be based on the question against the terrorists and of course not to. have information about telephone or fungal or medical they cannot be justified in the fight against terrorism here to the figures we have seen the europeans have helped him to collect information about as a regions of afghanistan yemen and so on not overall. figures. in germs in germany due to the french if the german troops have done. it so kiss alexander told them whatever intelligence european agencies are sharing with the n.s.a.
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is from war zones again no way of checking any of that so it was just a symbolic gesture on the part of the delegation to ask those questions well they definitely need to show european citizens that their representatives are not completely new so they came to washington expressed a reserved indignation quite reserved and agreed to cooperate further we've seen it before. and also the man behind all those leaks is now earning his keep three months up to being wrong to asylum in russia out of it's not it finds a job that he's coming up in just a few minutes. sigrid
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laboratory to mccurdy was able to build a new its most sophisticated robots which will unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach me the creation and why it should care about humans in. this is why you should care only on the dog. choose your language. make it with. some. choose the consensus. choose the opinions that immigrate to. choose the stories that imply. choose access to your office who.
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you're watching all say live from moscow is good to have you with us let's move on now. edward snowden is no longer unemployed the n.s.a. whistleblower has got temporary asylum in russia may start a new job as early as tomorrow and just like the previous one it will make use of his computer skills but there will be no state secrets of this time. the details for us. putting john i thought he could should you know lawyer who's also been representing edward snowden in russia the former n.s.a. contractor will start working for a major russian website in the am or so possibly even as soon as tomorrow in this department of technical support mr katrina didn't specify which website exactly we do know that earlier russia's largest social networks contact you offered him a job as a security specialist so we don't know whether or not snowden will actually be going to work or will he be doing it from home since his exact location is still
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unknown due to security reasons and of course as always more stories on our website for you including taking on how the weight of gold the story awhile fishelson one russian says she had trying to scare people off the speaking holiday before details are now in the section. and also that a former afghan interpreter who saved the life of a u.s. soldier finally gets an american visa up to days of trying because of concern they turn upon might seek revenge of gold the story of the man who made it all possible online for you. right to see. first street view and i think that you're. on our reporter's twitter. and instagram.
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could be in the. germany's thriving economy may well be dragging the rest of europe down a us treasury report suggests the continent is suffering from a trade imbalance caused by a flood of exports from germany but the talk of berlin orchestrating the e.u.'s policies is nothing new it recently persuaded brussels to delay a limit on coal in the shins to save the revenues of its own auto industry oh she's a laura smith now explains. with friends like these who needs enemies david cameron for all his bluster would fall prefer to negotiate with the e.u. the nieve it all together and germany and merkel is the pin that holds the entire project together and yet these two countries that are reportedly cutting
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a secret deal to protect their main industry again e.u. regulations it's a tit for tat britain's proposing to support germany's to delay the introduction of a cap on carbon dioxide emissions which will harm b.m.w. mercedes and algae and in return britain is seeking germany's help to protect the banking sector from the ways of brussels regulations the proposed deal may also include asking for germany's help to turn a cap on bankers' bonuses something the tory party is controversy against the tide of public opinion but it's not just germany and britain practically every member has something to complain about belgian farmers the railing gates milk pricing policies spain is unhappy with fishing reforms others criticised sky high budget contributions red tape and bailouts whether it's contributing to them or punishing
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economic regimes imposed after receiving them all combined to undermine the e.u. project but now that two of the unions most powerful members appear to be commuting to defy the rules of the organization it looks like dissatisfaction has hit a whole new level. and barbara direct economic center told is the e.u. thing a rope around its own neck. it could be definitely the beginning of a trend because brussels again has grown too far if we just look at how many regulations called as a member or a directive sco out every month by brussels they harm national economy is they harm the national competitiveness one size fits all politics the to have been tried to pursue do not work we have seen this during the so-called financial crisis the euro crisis obviously it does not work and this is
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what we see now it finally becomes clear that this big picture of big brussels definitely hurts the national interests oh you've beaten down by corporations and striving to survive in the modern economy today is kinds of report is just for you you know it takes all the running you can do to keep it in the same place so the red queen. it takes all the birds and you can do to keep it in the same place so the banks are. it's all the working you can do to keep in the same place said the neo feudal facts to the chumps we have to work for a living but i would say not only does it take all the running printing working but it also takes all the bombing stealing and destroyed exploring and dying shrinking brit doing and taking to stay in the same place as the road stacey. the rocky prime minister is and won't and to try and bring us airborne muscle into
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his fight against sectarian violence he even appeals to all americans for help from the pages of the new york times but many believe it's the prime minister and his policies to blame for causing a bloodbath which has taken more than seven thousand lives this year my colleague bill dahl spoke with karen kwiatkowski who used to be in the u.s. air force and she believes resorting to u.s. weapons will make the situation even worse there. airpower is not the solution to the kind of security and strife that you're seeing in the urban areas all it's going to do is what it's done for twenty years it's going to destroy buildings and people pollute the environment it doesn't work very well and you mention collateral damage well that's the rule that's kind of the rule when we use the air power we expect and we get plenty of collateral damage and you can't you can't really make up for that by saying i'm sorry you said earlier but only pointing the finger of blame at the political system that the prime minister but just how much is the u.s.
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responsible for the situation in the wrong oh my goodness i mean you know twenty years you know nine hundred ninety nine hundred ninety one we been the bombing the dozen years of vinyl between that the second invasion then we put in place puppets who marquis amazingly is still there one of the guys we've been working with for a decade these people do not have the credibility that they would need to be true leaders political leaders of a unified iraq and they're facing problems that are well beyond their capabilities . and some other world news and brief now pakistan's rest of province of has been rocked by a deadly blast four people have been killed and nineteen injured after a bomb rakes to a bicycle went off in a busy area in the city of quetta it's not known who carried out that time by the region is known for deadly sicked our environments with militants often targeting members of the shia minority. the borders of point of ninety two migrants who'd
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been travelling from new to algeria have been found in the desert they died from dehydration when their vehicles broke down close to the border more than a half of the victims were children part of the group did manage to make it back and inform rescuers every year thousands cross this part of this so hard to reach the north african coast and then travel illegally to europe. and the u.s. state of california hundreds gathered for another protest over the recent killing of a thirteen year old boy by police and lopez and a for greater was gunned down last tuesday with seven bullets because he was carrying a replica of an assault rifle which asked as demanded the officer responsible for war veteran be brought to justice and called for a transparent investigation. and now it's time for financial revelations from marks and stacy in the kaiser report coming up next.
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the olympic torch is on its epic journey to such. a one hundred twenty three days. through two thousand nine hundred ton two cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand kilometers. in a record setting trip by land air and sea another space. olympic torch relay. on r t r two dot com. this is the media leave us so we leave the media. by the sea pushes to the other your party there's a goal. for shoes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers
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from it's all on politics only on our t.v. . everything that we say we don't do we don't know about it we go base and watch part of mo we know the un said don't invade iraq we've got iraqi anyway so we we do what we want to do men like so that's where american exceptionalism comes into play because i we're going to do. things that make united states better or make our corporations in a better situation in the world economy and that's just the way it is and if that happens to agree with other countries still spross in on the cake but if it doesn't it's not going to stop us from doing it.
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welcome to the kaiser report i max kaiser you know it takes all the running you can do to keep it in the same place said the red queen to alice it takes all the printing you can do to keep in the same place said the banks are stupid and it takes all the working you can do to keep in the same place said the neo feudal fax to the chumps we have to work for a living but i say not only does it take all the running printing working but it also takes all the bombing stealing and the fraud exploiting and dying shaking baking and baking to stay in the same fricken place isn't that right stacy. well in fact says we you mention we have to print print prints and we're printing printing printing just to keep even on g.d.p. in fed and now many now think inflation helps the fed has worked for decades to suppress inflation but economists including janet yellen president obama's nominee
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to lead the fed starting next year have long argued that a little inflation is particularly valuable when the economy is weak rising prices help companies increase profits rising wages help borrowers repay debts and inflation also encourages people and businesses to borrow money and spend it more quickly well this is stupid because. in other words the program of quantitative easing and there's been one two three and four in japan and in america in the u.k. through the whole point of it the design of it the reason we have it is to increase inflation yes now this has been going on if you count japan for twenty years now and the new york times are saying you know what maybe we need to increase inflation they've been trying to increase inflation for twenty years the bank of england has increased our balance sheet by four hundred percent.


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